Before this intresting invention of the communication tool people rather have to wait while for a online communicatoin or they have to send and receive the data for communicating by the source of e-mail, but now the trend has been totally changed the GOOGLE, they have made the live communication easier as well as critciser with some editive tools in online communication. Single as well as multiple user can interact with each other at a same time with some editive capabilities of this vary new technological software which has annnounced and will launced by google very soon.

The software of which we are talking about is perticularly known as
Google Wave, basically it is a communicatoin and collaboration tool, it incluses a web-based service, computing platform, as well as communication protocol. It was designed to merge the E-mail, Instant messaging,and social networking. It varies a strong collaborative and real time which focuses and supported by the extensions that can provide, robust Spelling/grammer checking and automated translations between
40 languages.
This software was announced by the GOOGLE in
google I/O conference on 27 MAY 2009. And it was later announced in Google's official blog on
July 20, 2009, that the preview of Google Wave will be extended to about
100,000 users on
September 30, 2009